6 of Wands and 7 of Swords

The combination of the 6 of Wands and the 7 of Swords in a tarot reading can indicate that you are experiencing a mix of success and deception in your current situation.

The 6 of Wands is a card of victory, recognition, and accomplishment. It suggests that you have recently achieved success or are on the path to achieving your goals. You may be receiving praise or recognition for your hard work and achievements. This card encourages you to celebrate your victories and be proud of what you have accomplished.

However, the 7 of Swords brings a warning of deception, betrayal, and manipulation. This card suggests that someone may be trying to deceive you or take advantage of your success. You may need to be cautious and vigilant, as not everyone has your best interests at heart. It is important to trust your instincts and be wary of those who may not have your best intentions.

Together, these cards indicate a need to be proud of your accomplishments but also vigilant and aware of potential deception or betrayal. Trust in your own abilities and success, but be cautious of those who may try to undermine you. Stay true to yourself and remain grounded in reality as you navigate through any challenges that may arise.

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I’m Karina

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